
Your guide to the EU Taxonomy

We support investors with their EU Taxonomy (EUT) assessments, understand its complexity and are ready to provide you with analysis and expert advice.

Book a free consultation with one of our system (ets) to understand where you are and how to get started.

What do you get in return?

Access to EUT experts with prior experience

Factsheet with EUT financial sector market insights

Tips to get you on your way

Indicative outputs of our assessment

Invitation to a roundtable with your industry peers

Meet our experts that help investors with their assessments and understand the importance of the EU Taxonomy

Andrea Crosswell Patlan

Andrea Crosswell Patlan

Sustainable Finance Consultant, LAC
Charles Cassaz

Charles Cassaz

Consultant, Sustainable Finance
Shrieya Mehra

Shrieya Mehra

Consultant, Sustainable Finance
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