Meet Patrick Buergi, Managing partner and Director of New Carbon Markets, and Ingo Puhl, Managing Partner and CGO, in one of the folllowing sessions at COP19 in Warsaw, November 11 to 22:
November 13, 10:30 AM (Wednesday)
Innovative Approaches to GHG MRV, with Patrick Buergi
at National Stadium / EU Pavilion 1
st floor
Effective monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is critical for tracking progress towards the achievement of emission reduction targets. Climate-KIC's GHG MRV platform represents a mature, unique and pioneering cluster of organisations collaborating to develop innovative MRV solutions. It has outstanding scientific and technological expertise with strong leadership from the private sector. MRV is currently a key issue for international climate negotiations and
Climate-KIC's platform aims to be a global player supporting European leadership in triggering and verifying GHG emission reductions.
November 13, 2 PM (Wednesday)
Indonesia Current Carbon Market Situation with Patrick Buergi
at National Stadium / Indonesia Pavilion
Development of Indonesia's Voluntary Carbon Market and Programme of Activities (PoA)
November 14, 11:15 AM (Thursday)
Utilizing the Voluntary Market to Harmonise Emerging Offset Markets with Patrick Buergi
IETA Side Event Room NB35 (located on level -2, East Side of the National Stadium)
This session will explore how the international voluntary market is now operating and what infrastructure and best practice can be utilised and borrowed in emerging offset markets to encourage harmonized and internationally fungible approaches.
November 16, 8:15 AM (Saturday)
GHG MRV for Cities: Workshop with Patrick Buergi
IETA Side Event Room NB35 (located on level -2, East Side of the National Stadium)
Megacities are responsible for 80% of human-caused emissions of CO
2. They are the nexus for designing and measuring the effectiveness of concrete and local GHG mitigation actions. Accurate and ease-of-use GHG MRV tools will contribute to efficient policy making, empower local authorities in urban planning and help showcase mitigation achievements at city scale. During this session you will have the opportunity to share how you assess your GHG emissions, identify the technological and methodological gaps and contribute to the definition of the next GHG MRV approaches and standards for the future.
November 16, 10:30 AM (Saturday)
MRV challenges and innovation needs: Workshop with Patrick Buergi
at IETA Side Event Room (located on level 2, East Side of the National Stadium)
This workshop will explore the sectors, gases and scales where innovative technologies for estimating greenhouse gas emissions have a competitive advantage compared to the monitoring, reporting and verification procedures that are currently applied in carbon markets and the climate economy. Case studies on waste management, land use and industrial abatement projects will be discussed, as well as the wider MRV agenda.
Speakers include representatives from CDC Climat,
NPL, South Pole Carbon, UNFCCC CDM Secretariat, Gold Standard, VCS.
Lunch will be provided.
November 19, 4:45 PM (Tuesday)
Women Organizing for Change in
Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN) with Ingo Puhl
at room Torum
WOCAN (Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management) recognizes the beneficial discussion on "co-benefits" within the context of the CDM, it has decided to go further and develop the W+ Standard to facilitate the quantification, monetization and transfer of social capital to women in relation to six women's empowerment-related development domains: income and assets, time, health, education, leadership and food security.
The W
+ Standard is modeled on the procedures and methods of established carbon standards. It seeks to provide a trusted platform that allows development agencies, impact investors, organizations and companies interested in CSR to channel financial resources into projects that increase social capital created by women while providing assurance that results are real and quantified.
The side event will introduce W
Speakers include
Code REDD and Wildlife Works, and South Pole Carbon.
More details
For media enquiries, pls contact We will be happy to arrange for a meeting.