We are pleased to share an update on South Pole Carbon’s presence at the upcoming COP 20 in Lima. We invite you to participate in the number of official side and other events our team is involved in. At the same time we encourage you to get in touch with South Pole Carbon’s representation directly in order to organise an onsite meeting and exchange. The following senior team members will be present:
Patrick Bürgi, Director Advisory Services (in Lima 2-12 Dec): p.buergi@southpolecarbon.com
The event is co-organised by South Pole Carbon, on behalf of the Swiss Association for Environmentally Conscious Management (ÖBU), and ClimateNet. Patrick Bürgi will share a contribution on „The Swiss National Clean Technology Fund – role model for low-carbon technology rollout?“. South Pole Carbon is pleased to co-manage this unique scheme in Switzerland.
While PoAs have shown limits in scaling up mitigation activities and NAMAs could allow for the intervention of a larger number of actors and activities, advanced impact measurement, reporting and verification (MRV+) shows great potential to save costs, reduce errors and enhance transparency.
Christian Dannecker, Director of Forestry and Land Use (in Lima 1-7 Dec): c.dannecker@southpolecarbon.com
Victor Giraldo, Senior Project Manager (in Lima 9-14 Dec): v.giraldo@southpolecarbon.com
Climate Fair is a space that reflects the actions of different involved in the issue of climate change. Topics for this year cover: Successful cases in community management forestry, Payment for ecosystem services, and Inclusive and Economic opportunities.