South Pole Group's Regional Director Indonesia, Paul Butarbutar, is featured in the latest edition of Sorotan, the business magazine of the German-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (EKONID).
Due to Indonesia's extensive availability of natural resources, the country boasts massive potential for power generation from biomass. Under the "Renewables made in Germany Initiative", the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and EKONID, have for several years promoted business opportunities to German companies in the Indonesian bioenergy market.
One of the most recent undertakings of this initiative was held on June 28, 2016, in Hannover, where EKONID and the environmental consulting firm eclareon GmbH, invited German companies to learn more about Indonesia's market, and how to capitalise on the business opportunities for sustainable power generation from biomass. A total of 23 participants witnessed presentations from a variety of speakers portraying Indonesia's bioenergy sector, at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Hannover. One of the prominent speakers mentioned in the magazine was South Pole Group's Regional Director Indonesia, Paul Butarbutar: "Highlights were the contributions of two sector experts from Indonesia. The first expert was Mr. Paul Butarbutar, Regional Director Indonesia of the South Pole Group.". Paul spoke about government policy-making for the acceleration of renewable energy development, and comments that "The Indonesian government has established a Feed-in-Tariff to attract investors to invest in bioenergy projects, including bioenergy power plants. In addition, the government has also provided fiscal incentives for investments on renewable energy". Paul further shared his extensive experience with renewable energy projects in Indonesia, as well as South Pole Group's expertise and solutions within the field: "South Pole Group is in the position to help German companies to invest in renewable energy projects in Indonesia, especially due to our extensive local networks and understanding of the local political- and business conditions. We are currently facilitating investments in mini-hydro projects, where we help the investor in every step of the process, from getting the deal to flow, to screening the projects, and coordinating all the inputs from consultants, technology providers and contractors, etc."
Read the full original article here, and get in touch with Paul Butarbutar if you would like to hear more about South Pole Group's renewable energy opportunities in Indonesia.