Implementing and replicating innovative energy transition programs and clean technology funds, Tuesday 2 Dec, 16.45-18.15, Lima, side events venue, room: Sipan
During this panel discussion, we discuss the role of innovative green technology support models and their international replicability, also in the context of shaping INDC´s. As Best Project Developer in emission reduction projects we have looked into thousands of projects worldwide and therefore possess extensive expertise in project development and its financial mechanisms. The Swiss National Clean Technology Fund is a great initiative to support innovative companies and projects, with an annual budget of 25 million CHF. South Pole Carbon will thus contribute to emergence and commercialization of many climate-friendly innovative products.
Our event moderator Gareth Phillips, Chairperson, Project Developer Forum will shape a dynamic panel discussion with the following speakers:
Axel Michaelowa (University of Zurich): “Effectiveness of mitigation policy instruments to stimulate technology development“
Patrick Bürgi (South Pole Carbon): “The Swiss National Clean Technology Fund – role model for low-carbon technology rollout?"
Chen-An Lien (ITRI): “The Taiwanese Private Sector Incubation Mechanism“
Stephan Hoch (Perspectives): “Scaling up renewable energy in East Africa: Lessons from the Climate Investment Funds for the Green Climate Fund“
More information about the Swiss Clean Technology Fund:
South Pole Carbon is active in other fields of climate finance – explore our activities or read a Huffington Post article by South Pole Carbon's CEO Renat Heuberger on unlocking capital for the environment.