South Pole Carbon was voted Best Project Developer Overall by Environmental Finance for the fourth consecutive year. In addition South Pole Carbon was rewarded with three more awards: Best Project Developer Renewable Energy, Best Wholesaler and Best Trading Company.
Renat Heuberger, CEO South Pole Carbon, said "We are extremely honored having received this outstanding recognition from the market now for the fourth consecutive year. The company is just entering into its eighth year and since day one we are committed to inspire and enable our customers. We aim to work with them to create value from environmental and social sustainability. The Awards recognize the ongoing strong work of our team worldwide."
“Environmental Finance congratulates South Pole Carbon on the outstanding achievement of winning the category Best Project Developer Overall for the fourth year since 2011. South Pole Carbon consistently receives strong endorsement in terms of votes from the market's leading participants" says Tony Gibson, Managing Director, Environmental Finance/Field Gibson Media.
Environmental Finance announced the results of its 5th Annual Voluntary Carbon Market Ranking on June 30, 2014.