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Impact Funding

South Pole helps you to deploy climate impact funding by identifying and evaluating projects, startups and SMEs that accelerate the transition towards net zero and climate resilient economies.

The urgent transition to net zero requires a range of new technologies, services and solutions.

Innovation and entrepreneurship has the power to scale these new tools to tackle climate change and meet the Sustainable Development Goals. However, the number of promising startups and their know-how is limited, and most funders do not know how to find and evaluate them. This is where South Pole comes in. We actively identify groundbreaking projects and startups and connect them with our clients.

How can we help you?

South Pole can help you identify, evaluate and support innovative climate projects and startups, with access to both capital and technical know-how.

We help you to source and evaluate innovative projects and small companies that are tailored to your climate and impact goals. After you have decided to provide funding for specific projects and startups, our teams will monitor, report and verify the impact of the funding delivered.

Developing new impact funding vehicles

Developing new impact funding vehicles

Existing impact funding vehicles may not meet your specific needs in terms of geography, sector, investment type, and impact delivery schedule. We can tailor a new vehicle to your needs, and also offer specific communication and branding opportunities.

Once we have developed the impact funding vehicles, South Pole offers the following services as an advisor:

  • Sourcing of relevant projects and startups
  • Impact and technical due diligence of projects and startups
  • Technical and financial advisory for project preparation
  • Monitoring impact
  • Fundraising (grants)
  • Strategic communications

Who are our clients?

South Pole works with clients across the private, public and non-profit sectors to develop and implement impact funding for energy transition, land use and carbon removals, including specific vehicles for cities. Among others, operational impact funding vehicles include:

Technology Fund

Technology Fund

Advisory services to a Swiss government initiative that provides loan guarantees to climate-friendly SMEs/startups.

Landscape Resilience Fund

Landscape Resilience Fund

Administrative services and grant deployment for a single donor non-profit foundation that provides grants and soft loans to projects and local SMEs that improve the climate change resilience of smallholder farmers and other vulnerable communities in the land-use sector.

Airfix Carbon

Airfix Carbon

Providing services to simplify the value chain for biogenic CO₂ emitters and build regional hubs for a cohesive ecosystem for Biogenic Carbon Removal and Storage projects in Europe. It offers access to future carbon removals for long-term clients and promotes regulatory framework conditions for private and public investments.



Helping provide government-financed grants for innovative Swiss projects that support renewable energy, energy efficiency and resource efficiency projects in developing countries.

Why South Pole? By working with us, you can:

Be at the forefront of climate action

Be at the forefront of climate action by supporting innovative, early-stage climate solutions, such as new clean technologies or climate-smart agricultural practices

Create impact at scale

Create impact at scale by building and scaling impactful ventures (projects, startups)

Achieve more impact

Achieve more impact through revolving vehicles, as potential revenue and repayments are used for new projects and startups

Mobilise additional private investments

Mobilise additional private investments with tailored financial and technical support

Our Team

David Grosspietsch
Public sector & corporate

David Grosspietsch

Director, Impact Funds
Marlies Kimpe

Marlies Kimpe

Associate Director, Climate Investments

Contact us

Contact us to get started today
David Grosspietsch, Director Impact Funds, South Pole
Contact us to get started today
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