Liderando el camino hacia un futuro de energía sostenible en el sudeste asiático
Para obtener más información sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible verificados por la norma para este proyecto, consulte el enlace de registro del proyecto más arriba.
Solar is poised to play a crucial role in Thailand’s clean energy transition. The Siam Solar Energy 1 project bundles 10 solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants across Kanchanaburi and Suphanburi Provinces in central Thailand. The solar PV systems are a cutting-edge, environmentally-sound technology with a capacity of approximately 10 MW per plant, and deliver generated electricity to the grid.
This bundled project reduces Thailand’s reliance on imported energy and drives both national and regional economic growth. Aside from meeting the energy demands of regional Thai communities, the project improves local infrastructure and provides employment opportunities for local skilled and unskilled workers in manufacturing, installation, operation and maintenance of equipment.
The information here is for informational purposes only and provided on a non-reliance basis. For more information, click here.