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Central park skyview image from New York.

New York Climate Week

23rd - 27th September 2024

Building on expertise and impact, NY Climate Week and the IETA North America Climate Summit specifically will convene environmental actors - from the public, the private sectors, and beyond. Climate Week will discuss the most important solutions to enact climate-positive change.

South Pole is excited to attend Climate Week, with our experts, including CEO Daniel Klier, and host a session on  Future of Net Zero: Navigating Big Trends, Transparency, and the Next Era of Carbon Markets on September 25th. Attendees will have the chance to deep-dive into the complexities of the voluntary carbon market, its potential for innovation, and significance in advancing Net Zero goals.

For more information on this event click here

When 23-27 September 2024
Where New York City, United States
Available Languages