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Nature-Based Solutions Conference & Expo 2023

Join us at the event

The Nature-based Solutions Conference & Expo 2023 hosted by Carbon Farmers of Australia (CFA) is coming up, bigger than ever. Held in Brisbane at the Convention & Exhibition Centre, Queensland, Australia.

Expected to be at least twice the size and scope of its predecessor, the National Carbon Farming Conference & Expo, the three days will cover more space, speakers, and topics for farmers and landholders.

Shanti Mors

South Pole is proud to serve as a gold sponsor of this event and contribute as a speaker.

South Pole's Senior Business Development Manager, Shanti Mors, will join Session 1: Enteric methane – problem or opportunity? on Wednesday the 19th of July. Shanti's presentation will focus on the new opportunities for cattle managers and dairy farmers to generate carbon credits by reducing livestock emissions.

Register now and come meet us

When 17-19 July 2023
Where Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Available Languages