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Singapore Carbon Market & Investor Forum

Join us at the forum

Carbon Market Institute (CMI) is coming to Singapore! Join the Singapore Carbon Market & Investor Forum to connect and discuss the latest developments in the carbon market industry. It is a great platform to share knowledge and facilitate discussions between key stakeholders from across the region.

The three general program themes of the forum are:

  • Nature-based Solutions
  • International Linkages
  • Unlocking investment & Finance

South Pole is proud to support the event as industry partners and actively contribute to the program as panellists and moderators.

  • Wednesday, 19th of July, South Pole's Managing Director, Japan, Senior Advisor Innovation & Co-Founder, Mr Patrick Bürgi, will join Plenary Three to discuss the Integrity of Carbon Markets.
  • Thursday 20th of July, South Pole's Senior Lead in Structured Carbon Deals, Ms Jasmine Cha, will be moderating the 'Opportunities for regional collaboration and co-development in carbon markets' - workshop.
When 19-20 July 2023
Where Parkroyal Collection, Pickering, Singapore
Available Languages