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Linshu Biogas Recovery and Power Generation Project

Treating and converting wastewater into biogas to generate electricity and heat

Linshu Biogas Recovery and Power Generation Project

The wastewater treatment system for alcohol production used deep open anaerobic lagoons, which release methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere without biogas recovery. In addition, the facility's energy demands have traditionally been supplied by high-emission sources: electricity from the North China Power Grid (NCPG) dominated by fossil fuels, and heat from coal-fired boilers. This reliance on carbon-intensive energy exacerbated the environmental footprint of operations, highlighting the critical need for a solution.

Industrial wastewater

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

To learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals verified by the standard for this project, please check the project's registry link above.

The Solution

The Linshu Waste Water Treatment Biogas Power project in Linshu Town, Shandong Province, China, addresses the environmental challenges by implementing an anaerobic biogas recovery system during wastewater treatment. By installing advanced wastewater treatment equipment, including anaerobic digesters, the project hopes to capture methane to generate electricity and steam. The total installed system capacity efficiently supplies electricity and heat to Jinyimeng, replacing carbon-intensive energy sources. This aspires to reduce reliance on the fossil fuel-dominated North China Power Grid and coal-fired boilers. 

Image credit: South Pole
Image credit: South Pole
Image credit: South Pole
Image credit: South Pole
Image credit: South Pole
Image credit: South Pole
Image credit: South Pole
Image credit: South Pole

The Impact

The project aims to capture biogas from the wastewater treatment process to reduce methane emissions, preventing its release into the atmosphere. It aims to mitigate approximately 359,691 tCO2e annually. Additionally, it displaces electricity that would have otherwise been generated by fossil fuel-based power plants, further reducing emissions. One of the project’s goals is to supply clean energy to Jinyimeng and support industrial operations while decreasing reliance on carbon-intensive energy sources. 

Project ID: 302688
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