South Pole is the newest member to join over 200 forward-thinking companies in the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
Connecting with WBCSD's network of forward-thinking businesses across a range of sectors will enable South Pole to continue to enhance its sustainability ambition and drive climate action in collaboration with like-minded partners.
“We are excited and honoured to be joining this highly esteemed group of climate-leaders", said Renat Heuberger, CEO of South Pole. “South Pole stands for climate action at scale - since our inception in 2006 we have developed over 700 projects across the globe to cut carbon emissions and create sustainability impact for local communities, and we have enabled several thousand companies to move ahead on their climate journey. Joining WBCSD is a logical next step for us. We look forward to joining forces - together we can achieve the transition to a low-carbon economy."
WBCSD President and CEO Peter Bakker said, “WBCSD is delighted to welcome South Pole. South Pole is a hands-on company, delivering climate solutions and investment opportunities around the world, including through more than 700 projects in 40 countries. We look forward to sharing that expertise to achieve WBCSD's overarching goal to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable world."
With 18 offices and 350 employees on five continents, South Pole works with businesses and governments to help realize deep decarbonization pathways across industries. South Pole specializes in three areas: Its project development arm has realised over 700 projects in 50 countries to avoid and remove greenhouse gas emissions; South Pole's Fund Management arm oversees a number of transformative Climate Impact Funds; and finally, it provides advisory services on sustainability risks and opportunities, in particular client support for bold and ambitious climate action.
South Pole is also on the forefront of research and thinking in areas such as net-zero emissions and innovation in carbon markets, in particular around Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, as well as carbon offset strategies and market-based climate policies. South Pole's unique expertise in both carbon policy and project implementation makes it a power partner for climate action and reduced inequality.
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