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Treasure Valley Parks Tree Planting

The future is green with tree planting in Idaho’s Treasure Valley

Treasure Valley Parks Tree Planting

Parks and green spaces are key assets to support a healthy environment and healthy people. Growing urban populations are often associated with a decrease in air and water quality and other social issues. Investment into green common spaces has never been more urgent. Supporting the Treasure Valley Municipal Parks Planting Project directly facilitates the development of key regional parks that provide outdoor spaces to support active and healthy lifestyles for all Treasure Valley citizens.

United States
Afforestation, Reforestation Revegetation (ARR)

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

To learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals verified by the standard for this project, please check the project's registry link above.

The Solution

Through this project, the Treasure Valley Canopy Network (TVCN), a local non-profit organization, works with trusted partners including City Parks departments to develop tree planting and stewardship projects. To date, almost 700 trees have been planted in 11 city parks throughout the Treasure Valley. The project meets strict eligibility requirements of the national City Forest Credits project standard and will run for a minimum of 25 years.

The project is planting trees in 2 cities in south west Idaho's Treasure Valley


The Impact

The trees will provide a myriad of environmental, social, and human health benefits while ensuring public spaces remain vibrant and welcoming for all. As they grow, the trees capture and store planet-warming carbon dioxide, generating certified carbon credits. This project will deliver benefits on a local level through a national program that is geared to address a global problem!

Project ID: 303309
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