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Efficient Cookstoves

Improving household health conditions and tackling climate change

Efficient Cookstoves

Biomass, principally firewood and charcoal, holds huge importance in Rwanda, accounting for a significant proportion of energy consumption. Biomass is often the predominant source of energy for cooking and water boiling, especially in rural areas. Cooking is generally carried out on thermally inefficient traditional devices and produces large amounts of smoke and indoor air pollution.

Sustainable Development Goals

1. No Poverty

127,000 people benefit from reduced fuel costs

and hence more money to spend on other essential goods & services

3. Good Health and Well-Being

Better health in households  

thanks to reduced indoor air pollution

5. Gender Equality

Benefits, such as more free time for women in their daily life    

as they are mainly responsible for cooking and collecting firewood

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

31,000+ cookstoves distributed to households

providing an efficient and cleaner source for cooking 

13. Climate Action

198,000 tonnes of CO2e

reduced annually on average by reducing fuel use when cooking

15. Life on land

70% less firewood

needed compared to traditional stoves, relieving deforestation pressures

The Solution

The replacement fuel-efficient stove will lead to a significant reduction in the annual usage of biomass for users. The improved stove has been designed to balance efficiency, safety, cost, stability and strength with a focus on using locally available materials.


The Impact

By reducing the consumption of non-renewable wood and providing cookstoves with fuel savings, this project reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. A decrease of deforestation has a positive impact on biodiversity. Households save money by having less fuel requirements for cooking the same amount of food and health is improved through the reduction of indoor air pollutants from cleaner cookstoves. The project also generates employment and income for people distribution and maintenance of the stoves, as well as training and employing community education staff.

Project ID: 302148
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